Learning to swim is essential for everyone. Swimming lessons saves lives. Among children, drowning is the second-leading cause of unintentional injury related death behind motor vehicle accidents (Center for Disease Control).
Learn-to-Swim Programs
The Capital Region Aquatic Center will provide Learn-To-Swim Programs that are flexible and ongoing. These programs will be for people of all ages and abilities.
Diving Lessons
With a full array of diving boards and platforms, the Aquatic Center will also offer diving lessons. Children who like to jump off the boards and are curious about diving will learn how to participate in this amazing sport.
Water Safety Courses
The Aquatic Center will be a hub for water safety courses and lifeguarding instruction. Providing these courses several times a year will create a stable lifeguard work force and will teach people who enjoy boating on the region’s many lakes to be more aware and safe on the water.
Scuba Diving Instruction
Scuba Diving instruction will be a regular aspect of Aquatic Center programming. Students will learn how to scuba dive and get certified in the diving well and / or the competition pool. Lessons will be consistently scheduled at convenient times.
Coaching & Sports Clinics
The Capital Region Aquatic Center will have enough space to host Coaching Clinics and Sports Camps for all aquatic sports. This will bring many athletes and coaches to the Capital Region several times a year.

Building the Center
Make It Happen!
Get involved in this wonderful, transformational project and ensure the health and vitality of the Greater Capital Region for generations to come. The Capital Region Aquatic Center welcomes partners, patrons, and promoters.
Options For Tax Deductible Giving
There are three ways to make a tax-deductible contribution:
- Click on the “Donate” button above to contribute through PayPal.
- Make a check payable to: “Adirondack Aquatic Center” and mail to:
Adirondack Aquatic Center PO Box 2423 Malta, NY 12020 - Donate stocks instead of cash – this allows you to deduct the amount of the charitable donation AND avoid the unrealized gains on the appreciated shares.